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How to Allocate Disk Space From One Partition to Another

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I have a Windows 2008 R2 Foundation server ( our only server ) acting as a DC. I did a re-size on the disks when I setup the server and created the OS partition to 40GB. I would like to extend the volume size now, but I am unable. There is Free Space to the right of the C drive, but I can only create a new simple volume from it (no other options) and cannot "extend" C because the option is greyed out. This is a raid 5 configuration. Any ideas to get storage from this free space that is shown in the picture? Disk  1 is an external hard drive used for backup.

Rajko Bogdanovic
Rajko Bogdanovic This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 1, 2013 at 19:54 UTC

Explanation is pretty simple - you are trying to extended c: drive partition to a space that is laready assigned to Extended parition. I assume there were 3 sub partitions on Extended partition. You erased one, but space is still assigned to this parition.

So without tools you can do next :

- Perform Full backup of d: and f: paritions on local or external disk space

- Remove sub partitions D:, then F: and then remove extended parition

- Extend c: Drive now to desired size

- Recreate D: and F: partitions and restore all data from backups to those partitions - I recommend to try to set them up as primary partitions, not extended - if allowed

- Verify that everything is working fine

There are tools that can do this automaticall, but this is step-by-step guide.

BOLD LINE - What ever you do, make sure you have backed up your data prior to any moves with automated tools or manual steps!!

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16 Replies

Rajko Bogdanovic
Rajko Bogdanovic This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 1, 2013 at 19:54 UTC

Explanation is pretty simple - you are trying to extended c: drive partition to a space that is laready assigned to Extended parition. I assume there were 3 sub partitions on Extended partition. You erased one, but space is still assigned to this parition.

So without tools you can do next :

- Perform Full backup of d: and f: paritions on local or external disk space

- Remove sub partitions D:, then F: and then remove extended parition

- Extend c: Drive now to desired size

- Recreate D: and F: partitions and restore all data from backups to those partitions - I recommend to try to set them up as primary partitions, not extended - if allowed

- Verify that everything is working fine

There are tools that can do this automaticall, but this is step-by-step guide.

BOLD LINE - What ever you do, make sure you have backed up your data prior to any moves with automated tools or manual steps!!

hsc5775 This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 1, 2013 at 19:59 UTC

Rajko is right
Backup is essential



I'm used to partitioning these servers/desktops through windows install, etc. so let me make sure I'm understanding what I did and what I need to do to resolve this problem correctly.

If I remember correctly when I ordered this box it has a Total for 4 drives with the raid 5 config which was already setup from Dell with a total of 1TB. I just had the "C" drive which I shrunk to 40GB which left me with the unallocated space which I believe I then created the "Data" partition and "Program Files" partition.

Understanding your post I see that it shows everything as one drive, and the 676GB of free space can't be used until I backup the files on D drives and F drives and then delete those partitions which should make all 3 to the right of the C drive then become unallocated space to which I can then extend C to what I want.

Then with the remainding unallocated space I should re-create my D and F drives?

If I am following that correctly how do I set them up as a primary partition and not extended?

Last question I have is that I used an Easeus partition proram to try and merge space to the C drive, which completey messed everything up, so I got rid of that software and was able to get it recovered, but now my recovery drive is assigned a drive letter which was hidden before. I get a prompt when I try and remove the drive letter saying the disk is in use or something like that. I dont think removing the drive letter from the partition would casue a problem but haven't done so, just in case to avoid any problems seeing as its our only server, etc.

Derek_A This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 2, 2013 at 05:13 UTC

It sounds as if you are trying to make your C drive larger than the 40 GB you have already allocated, is this correct?  If so, you cannot do that from within Windows.  Deleting the other partitions will not help!  I highly advise against that!!!  You must use a tool outside of windows that will allow you to extend the SYSTEM partition.  Only data partitions can be increased on the fly within Windows.  System partitions cannot.

The tool that HSC5775 recommended should do the trick just fine.


You could use DiskPart!  Built into Windows and will help with this.

See here for more info on DiskPart -

Always make sure you have a valid backup though before doing any disk work.


Yes, I am trying to make the C drive larger as I have 12.2GB left on it. I do not allow windows update on this for the fear of running out of space on my OS partition. We have a plan to purchase two new servers in second quarter, and then I can upgrade this machine to Server 2012. Point is, I want to enable the updates since I have room, I just need to get it to C Drive.

What Rajko said makes since to me, but I'm not going to waste the time copying my data drive off and having to re-install software which is installed on the program files drive if its not going to work. I have extended my OS drive in my virtual enviroment several times with no issues. It seems that if I were to delete the partitions to the right of C it should become a large unallocated space for me to extend C but I'm not sure????? Otherwise I have 6 months before I get newer equipment. Any help is always greatly appreciated.

Aaron DeLeskie
Aaron DeLeskie This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 2, 2013 at 18:21 UTC

I think gparted is what you want to look at. Or partition magic if that still exists.

Rajko may be right about the number of partitions and the extended partition limiting the disk resize. I'm not 100% sure on that, but I would try to extend with gparted first. it might be nice and easy, just boot into that and drag the c drive to use the free space.

I've done this a few times in virtual land where we allocated a 10 GB c drive and needed to increase the size. There isn't any partition issues there so I'm not 100% sure it will work for you, but if it does work, it's a nice and easy way to do it.

Of course, there is the chance that you will lose the c drive completely when resizing so I'd be careful with anything you try.

Aaron DeLeskie
Aaron DeLeskie This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 2, 2013 at 18:22 UTC

I don't think diskpart will do what you want. You can do the work Rajko detailed with diskpart, deleting and recreating partitions. But it won't resize existing partitions.

hsc5775 This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 2, 2013 at 18:24 UTC

read what Derek_A is posting

windows cannot resize his bootpartition

you must use a external partition program

best using a bootable CD


hsc5775, so I would need to delete the other disks and then use a live gparted cd to resize the bootpartition?Daniel2817 wrote:

I have a Windows 2008 R2 Foundation server ( our only server ) acting as a DC. I did a re-size on the disks when I setup the server and created the OS partition to 40GB. I would like to extend the volume size now, but I am unable. There is Free Space to the right of the C drive, but I can only create a new simple volume from it (no other options) and cannot "extend" C because the option is greyed out. This is a raid 5 configuration. Any ideas to get storage from this free space that is shown in the picture? Disk  1 is an external hard drive used for backup.

Daniel2817 wrote:

I have a Windows 2008 R2 Foundation server ( our only server ) acting as a DC. I did a re-size on the disks when I setup the server and created the OS partition to 40GB. I would like to extend the volume size now, but I am unable. There is Free Space to the right of the C drive, but I can only create a new simple volume from it (no other options) and cannot "extend" C because the option is greyed out. This is a raid 5 configuration. Any ideas to get storage from this free space that is shown in the picture? Disk  1 is an external hard drive used for backup.

hsc5775 This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 2, 2013 at 18:50 UTC

it should work without delete
It can also resize the other partitions before

hsc5775 This person is a Verified Professional
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Jan 2, 2013 at 18:53 UTC

it may take a long time!
Backup is important!


Another option is to leave it alone and simply free up space on the C: drive. That will buy you time at the very least, until you get kit in 6 months. If you run a program like Windirstat it will show you what folders & files are taking the most space.
You can create a copy of this server in your virtual environment and do a dummy run and check what you are moving (from the C:) causes no issues after a reboot.
You could also move the pagefile to another partition too if it's still on the C:. But there may be a performance issue depending on the else runs on the data partitions on the server. But if it's only a DC and not a SQL or Exchange server the performance hit may be fine. You could move the pagefile and test if there's any performance difference, if so just move it back.


I would go with D9891's suggestion the other suggestions are not guaranteed  to work and will take a lot of time and effort to do. You only need this for 6 months so I would free up the space and tough it out until you get the new machines to replace this one. I have used Windirstat on a couple of occasions and have found it very useful another application that is good for recovering space on a drive is Ccleaner.


Ray Rajko,

I have tried looking everywhere for this solution - it works. Thanks a ton.

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How to Allocate Disk Space From One Partition to Another
