Where to Go in Cyllage City in Pokemon Pokemon X
Matt Bird writes all sorts of nonsense, but he dedicates a large chunk of his time to writing game walkthroughs.

"Pokémon X and Y" owned and copyrighted by Nintendo. Images used for educational purposes only.
Wild Pokémon – Route 8, Surfing
Pokémon | Rarity | Version |
Tentacool | Common | Both |
Wailmer | Common | Both |
Wild Pokémon – Route 8, Fishing
Pokémon | Rarity | Version | Rod |
Clauncher | Common | X | Good |
Clawitzer | Rare | X | Super |
Cloyster | Rare | Y | Super |
Dragalge | Rare | Y | Super |
Luvdisc | Common | Both | Old |
Qwilfish | Common | Both | Super |
Shellder | Uncommon | Y | Good |
Skrelp | Common | Y | Good |
Starmie | Rare | X | Super |
Staryu | Uncommon | X | Good |
Wild Pokémon – Route 8, Rock Smash
Pokémon | Rarity | Version |
Binacle | Uncommon | Both |
Dwebble | Common | Both |
This is the last straw. You've waited far too long between gym badges. It's off to Cyllage City to finally grab that stupid second badge. Onward! To the beach!
Route 8 – Muraille Coast
- Head back through Ambrette Town and go through the Aquarium's lower exit. You'll find yourself on Route 8's lower half.
- Wander west, to the coastline, and follow it far to the south. There's a Pearl in the rock at the bottom. On the way back, look for two breakable rocks against the cliff face. Go southwest of here, down to the nearest corner of the shallow water, then walk two steps diagonally northeast. Check the sand for a Rare Candy.
- Walk north down the stairs and you'll see two large boulders surrounding one smaller, breakable rock. North of this are two small rocks. The lower one contains a hidden Ultra Ball.
- Head northwest. You'll see a Mago Berry tree growing in the sand. Also near this tree, at the tip of the sand, is a Sky Battle trainer.
Sky Trainer Colm
Mantyke, level 28
Jumpluff, level 29
Reward: $2,900
Considering the time at which you get here, this battle is quite difficult. The Mantyke is surprisingly strong. If you can't use Electric-type attacks, I suggest waiting until you're in your 30s before taking it on. The Jumpluff isn't nearly as bad.
- Stand beneath the tree where the Berry was sitting. Take four steps to the west and turn south without actually stepping south. There's a hidden Stardust in the sand.
- Head back south briefly. You'll see a breakable boulder to your left, beside a rock you can't break. Take seven steps south of these two rocks (get into the niche between them) to find a Heart Scale.
- Follow the beach along the cliff's edge. A girl here will give you a Dowsing Machine. Equip this and you can find hidden items. You can start by walking four steps south and three steps west to find a Pearl.
- Continue north. A trainer awaits.
Swimmer Genevieve
Wingull, level 19
Psyduck, level 21
The Wingull is nothing special. The Psyduck, however, can hit pretty hard with Confusion. Seek out its weak points.
Reward: $336
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Follow the cliffs north until you see a small divot. This will trigger another sky battle.

Sky Trainer Aveza
Skiploom, level 19
Swoobat, level 22
Reward: $2,200
The Skiploom is bulkier than it looks, and can be really annoying with status attacks. The Swoobat is pretty straightforward thereafter, but only if you aren't saddled with paralysis.
- By the beach, you'll see two trainers fishing, one nearby, one up north.
Fisherman Wharton
Tentacool, level 19
Tentacool, level 19
Tentacool, level 19
Reward: $1,064
All the same, all at least moderately tough. Grass-types not recommended, even if they do come from the sea.
Fisherman Shad
Shellder, level 20
Staryu, level 20
Reward: $2,240
These two have the capacity to be a problem, but Shellder went down easy and Staryu only seemed to like using Rapid Spin. Pretty easy.
Swimmer Marissa
Masquerain, level 22
Reward: $352
Though it doesn't look it, Masquerain is fairly bulky. You'll want a super-effective move (something Flying is good) to bring it low.
- Continue north and, whaddy know, there's Cyllage City. Let's have a look around.

Cyllage City
- There's a small house on the southern edge of town. Inside is a man who will give you a Sachet.
- Behind the house is a rock containing an Ether.
- Head up onto the paved path through town. The Pokémon Center is on your left. Inside is a man who will trade a Steelix for a Luvdisc. Alongside the usual stuff in the Poké Mart, you'll also find a girl who will sell you a few special Poké Balls.
- In the house to the left of the Pokémon Center is a woman who will massage your Pokémon and increase its friendliness.
- Across the street from the Pokémon Center is a bicycle shop. Once inside, the woman at the counter will quiz you. Answer 'Of course!', then choose a colour and you'll get a Bicycle.
- A woman on the street, north of the bike shop, will sell you Soda Pop for $300 apiece.
- North of here is the local clothing shop. Swank yourself up.
- West of here, north of the Pokémon Center, is another house. Inside is a woman who will quiz you. The answers are 'Persim Berry' and 'Confused'. Answer correctly and she'll give you a Persim Berry.
- The Hotel Cyllage is in the north end. A woman in the lobby will give you TM 44, Rest, another woman will give you TM 88, Sleep Talk, and a maid on the second floor will give you a Destiny Knot. As usual, Mr. Bonding is up here to give you an O-Power.
- Next to the Hotel is a cafe. You can pay to sit in various parts of the cafe. Speak to the patrons in these areas and you'll learn of Pokémon for your Pokédex.
- West of town is a small island you can walk out to. Check the rock on it for a Pearl.
- Behind a bench in the east end of town, near the large cycling hill, is a Super Potion.
- Climb the pavement to the south. A man will stop you and give you HM 04, Strength.
- Go south, past the local gym, and you'll find a hill leading back into town. On the way down is an X Defense.
- Speaking of the gym, check the bottom-right rock near the entrance for a Protein.
- Continue up the paved hills until you're at the top of the highest incline. Stop in the middle of the incline and you'll be near an X Sp. Atk. Walk to get it or you'll almost certainly slide down the hill.
- Go down the hill to the bottom. To the west is a biker by a white line. Move one step south of the biker and look to your right. You'll find a hidden X Speed on the ground.
- Also, up here is the western entrance to Connecting Cave, which you passed through earlier to reach Ambrette Town. You can use Strength to move boulders into place and pass through more easily. Talk to the backpacker inside to receive TM 21, Frustration, and push the northern boulder into place to receive TM 40, Aerial Ace.
That's enough wandering around. Time to challenge your second gym!
Return Trip
Route 8
- Surf out from the coastline and look along the western edge of the map for a small chain of islands. On the largest one is a Heart Scale in a rock. Also swimming nearby is a trainer.
Swimmer Ramses
Tentacool, level 30
Reward: $480
A stronger version of what you'd be fighting out here anyway. Piece of cake.
A short ways northwest of here is a shallow spot in the water. Circling it is a trainer; sitting in the middle of it is TM 19, Roost.
Swimmer Estaban
Skrelp, level 28
Horsea, level 28
Reward: $448
A pair of would-be Dragon-types! Not difficult at all, overall, given when you'll probably be venturing out here.
Cyllage City
- Surf north of the TM you just found and the trainer you just trounced. Almost on the border between Cyllage City and Route 9 is a small house on an island. The boy in here will give you a Charti Berry.
someone on November 06, 2013:
something i just find out, if you use Air cutter(don't know for any other moves) in battle on the beach the tree in the background of the battle will drop berries and you will pick 1 up afterwards
Nathan on November 02, 2013:
Relicanth can be caught if you fish while it says your still in either town at each end of the route, with a super rod. Same with horsea with a good rod and Seadra with a super rod.
sephi on October 31, 2013:
caught a relicanth using super rod in x
Matt Bird (author) from Canada on October 27, 2013:
Quite right. Going from Route 8 to Route 9 to Route 8 to Route 10 must have screwed up my titling somewhere along the way. It has been fixed.
JayFoo on October 27, 2013:
There's nowhere to "fish" on Route 9. Its all rock.
Matt Bird (author) from Canada on October 21, 2013:
Ha! I completely forgot about that guy! Thanks for reminding me, I'll go back and beat him today. I think my team can handle him now. (Think. Could be stronger than the Champion. You never know.)
Ace on October 20, 2013:
That sky trainer later has a level 29 Jumpluff... Which was a pain because it would constantly paralyze you with stun spore. The Mantyke always starts off with Confuse ray, and then followed with a water attack, which was horrible for my Talonflame. I earned 4350 however, I had lvl 1 Prize battle Money O Power on.
Hope this helps you a bit!
Stacey on October 19, 2013:
A lady on the 2nd floor of the hotel will give you a Snooze Ribbon.
Red on October 18, 2013:
thanks for this, man
its been tough finding certain TM's I wanted and you really helped me out
Candy on October 17, 2013:
I didn't get a sachet from the old man. Instead I got whipped cream..
Browser on October 14, 2013:
In the hotel's lobby at the same table where the TM Rest is given, the other person gives out TM Sleep Talk just thought i'd throw that out there :)
Ethan on October 14, 2013:
if anyone knows how to get past route 19 please tell me ASAP thanks
Rochelle on October 13, 2013:
Use Old Rod in the water in Route 8 and you'll find LuvDisc (common). Not sure about anything else.
Nathan on October 13, 2013:
There's actually a bit of beach that you can follow right after there stairs down onto it. Just head directly west and it will curve you around pretty much under the town. (It will actually change it from the route back to the town.) And if you follow it until it stops, you can pick up a pearl. Also, I decided to fish there a couple times and kept getting Luvdisc. Only time I've fished so far though. xD
Where to Go in Cyllage City in Pokemon Pokemon X
Source: https://levelskip.com/rpgs/Pokemon-X-and-Y-Walkthrough-Part-Twelve-Route-12-and-Cyllage-City