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Buying Gta Again and Making Another Social Club Account After Ban

Steps on getting a new account after being perma banned from GTA5.

Step1- uninstall GTA5

Step2- Remove all GTA5 files remaining

Step3- Never play GTA5 again because you OP are the among one of the dumbest people in existence today.

Step4- Do us all a favor and dont ever procreate because we dont need anymore idiots running around the world as it is.

Hope this helps! Have a nice day.

Haha funny you are. I consider this being a mistake, humans do mistakes, you can't tell me you never did a mistake, you can't tell me you never cheated in school, never forget any homework, never tried to make something easier although not allowed. Oh yes, you are the perfect human being, if only the world would only consist of your unique kind, scientists should seriously consider cloning your DNA and reproduce your very existence 7 billion times and at the same time erradicate all other humans, because the world only needs your DNA to be completely perfect. God bless

Cheating is NEVER a mistake. You didn't just trip and fall into a mod menu and then proceed to get used and abused by it. What you did was motivated, calculated and executed in a way that you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. At least own up to your bullsh*t and say "I suck ass at this incredibly SIMPLE game, normally get my ass whipped when I play and think that I will be cool or accepted if I cheat".

My advice would be to sever all ties with the internet and electricity. Toss your games, consoles and TVs. Go outside and help an old lady cross a road. Mow someones lawn. Walk someones dog. Do something that's actually productive and has a positive influence on anything other than your damn self.

Steps on getting a new account after being perma banned from GTA5.

Step1- uninstall GTA5

Step2- Remove all GTA5 files remaining

Step3- Never play GTA5 again because you OP are the among one of the dumbest people in existence today.

Step4- Do us all a favor and dont ever procreate because we dont need anymore idiots running around the world as it is.

Hope this helps! Have a nice day.

Haha funny you are. I consider this being a mistake, humans do mistakes, you can't tell me you never did a mistake, you can't tell me you never cheated in school, never forget any homework, never tried to make something easier although not allowed. Oh yes, you are the perfect human being, if only the world would only consist of your unique kind, scientists should seriously consider cloning your DNA and reproduce your very existence 7 billion times and at the same time erradicate all other humans, because the world only needs your DNA to be completely perfect. God bless

Cheating is NEVER a mistake. You didn't just trip and fall into a mod menu and then proceed to get used and abused by it. What you did was motivated, calculated and executed in a way that you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. At least own up to your bullsh*t and say "I suck ass at this incredibly SIMPLE game, normally get my ass whipped when I play and think that I will be cool or accepted if I cheat".

My advice would be to sever all ties with the internet and electricity. Toss your games, consoles and TVs. Go outside and help an old lady cross a road. Mow someones lawn. Walk someones dog. Do something that's actually productive and has a positive influence on anything other than your damn self.

lol exactly... We all make mistakes once we're caught red handed and need a piss poor excuse :)

I agree wholeheartedly, go play some sports where cheating will get you banned as well. Try spawning 30 extra balls on the football field and see if you get away with it :p

OT: ask R*, they'll be more than happy to guide you into buying another copy of the game.

Jesus Christ it's so funny reading all these comments from perfect humans pretending they never did something wrong in their life hating on other people who cheated in a VIDEO GAME. First, I did own up to my "bullsh*t" and already said I was being a douchebag. Second, I bet you don't do any of the listed things, makes you just as useless and self centered on this planet as me, congratz. Just because I knew what I was doing, doesn't mean I dont regret that afterwards and admit that I shouldnt have done that, because IT WAS A MISTAKE. Go on look up the definition of mistake again, maybe teachers in highschool didnt teach 'ya that boy.

To the second guy, cheating in sports won't get you banned fast, when you play football, you can get as many yellow cards as you want, insult players as you want, you will never be banned for life, and that applies to almost every sport, maybe it's you who should do some sport since you dont seem to be familiar with rules and stuff ;)

am I the second guy? If so lucky me! I advised you to bring thirty balls on the field, not to simply insult the opposing team. The latter is bad sportsmanship, not outright cheating.

After dealing with cheaters for a long time I noticed almost every time they get punished they claim "it's just a game". Well, if it's just a game why did you feel the need to cheat? You don't win at GTAO by cheating, you lose IMO, you win by playing the game & having fun. That's something that isn't very easy to do in this game because of cheaters like you.... So that's why you get zero sympathy for players like me. I hope that understandable.

On PC we're all one quick download away from becoming cheaters, the game is currently being ruined by players with no self-control. I'm happy for you that you admit you were wrong, I have nothing against you personally so I hope when your back online you play the game for fun, there's no right or wrong way to do that.

Sorry for being hostile before.
